The inauguration of the specialized Fab Lab for herbal medicines took place at the Medicinal Plants Research Institute.

On the forty-fourth anniversary of the establishment of Jahad University, the Medicinal Plants Research Institute of Jihad University in Alborz Province unveiled the production line for medicine and the first fabrication laboratory (Fab Lab) specialized in herbal medicines. At this ceremony, attended by Dr. Hassan Moslemi Naeini, President of Jihad University, Dr. Reza Ghafarzadegan, President of the Medicinal Plants Research Institute, Engineer Hassan Mohammad Ali Zadeh, Chairman of the Board of Alborz Research and Technology Fund, Dr. Neda Nikvash, CEO of Vina Pharma, and other officials, the importance of having a Fab Lab for herbal medicine and the opportunities it creates were discussed.

The production line of the Medicinal Plants Research Institute was recognized as the most suitable option for a specialized Fab Lab for herbal medicines due to its necessary infrastructure, adherence to all standards, and having a license from the Food and Drug Organization. The establishment of the herbal medicine fabrication laboratory allows researchers, technologists, specialists, and academics active in this field to evaluate their ideas using laboratory equipment and, upon meeting the necessary standards, proceed with commercialization and market entry of their products. In fact, this platform prevents capital and time wastage and provides an opportunity for the production of innovative products.

The head of the Medicinal Plants Research Institute stated during the inauguration of this production line that there are 30 herbal medicine technology units at the institute, of which 15 have been commercialized. Now, in the new production line launched in collaboration with Vina Pharma, four medicines: Liversil, Melitropic, Superplant, and Detoxin, produced by Vina Pharma, are reaching mass production, and it is estimated that these four products will also be sold in global markets within a year.

The Medicinal Plants Research Institute of Jihad University, as the most reputable research center for medicinal plants in the country and the region, established a joint venture company named Vina Pharma by co-founding the Alborz Research and Technology Fund. The research and clinical testing phases of Vina Pharma products are conducted by the Medicinal Plants Research Institute, and their quality and standards are certified by this center. Currently, four products: Liversil, Superplant, Detoxin, and Melitropic are produced under the Vina Pharma brand at this research institute.

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