The technology transfer ceremony of Wina Pharma products

The technology transfer ceremony of Wina Pharma's products was held on the third day of Iran Expo 2024 at the company's booth.

The technical knowledge of the drugs developed by the Medicinal Plants Research Institute of Jahad Daneshgahi was exclusively transferred to Wina Pharma. This event, attended by the President of Jahad Daneshgahi, Dr. Hassan Moslemi Naeini; Engineer Hassan Mohammad Alizadeh, Chairman of the Alborz Province Research and Technology Fund; and Dr. Reza Ghafarzadegan, Head of the Medicinal Plants Research Institute of Jahad Daneshgahi, marked the official transfer of the technical knowledge for the drugs Liversil, Melitropic, Detoxin, and Superplant to Wina Pharma, under the management of Dr. Neda Nikvash.

During this ceremony, plans for the production and market entry of these four products were discussed, along with the interest shown by international visitors at the expo and the potential of these products entering global markets.

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2024/09/25 | wina news | مبین سلیمی | Hit: 137 | 1727243453